Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Seattle University Haiti Press Release

Physically far from the rubble, are the effects of the massive earthquake in Haiti, in which Seattle University and its students are committing to respond to the disaster educationally, humanly, and spiritually. The support coming from Seattle University is similar to the support we shared to New Orleans in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. The Haiti earthquake is by far on the same level as the tragedy that our country faced just 6 years ago.

"Each of us, I am sure, has known that the Haitians are citizens of the poorest country of our hemisphere, but this tragedy brings home to us their reality as our sisters and brothers in dire need," said Seattle University President Father Stephen V. Sunborg.

Students and faculty at Seattle University have been organizing response dialogues and teach-ins to inform the campus of the situation in Haiti. Last week SU's Global African Studies Program presented a teach-in on Haitian history and gave background on the current earthquake disaster. This week, OMA's Diversity and Equity Education Program (DEEP) will be hosting a display entitled "Before and After the Earthquake: Giving Haiti Context" in hopes of creating dialogue on what is happening currently in Haiti and developing plans of action for the future.

Father Sunborg is also appointing Sean Bray, Social Justice Minister in Campus Ministry, as the point person to help coordinate our response and communication to Haiti. Students and faculty are encouraged to contact Bray with any suggestions, donations, or requests that they may have regarding the crisis.

Finally, as a prominent Jesuit institution, Seattle University would like to done its spiritual help to the people of Haiti by holding multiple Masses offered for the people of Haiti. For the next two Sundays, Masses will also be given to the Catholic Relief Services and Jesuit Refugee Service for their emergency work with the people and country of Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a good press release. I like how he used the quote from the President. I also like how he connect SU's response to Haiti and US's response to New Oreleans. I think in this way he successed to establish relationship between audience and argument.
